28 April 2024

Week 17 Day 7

 I haven't completely forgotten this blog! I just have not been so good at updating it when I do stuff. Here is a poster I made today for our next Relief Society activity, we are doing something with Family History.

Here is the tree by itself as a transparent PNG should anyone stumble upon it and want to use it as clip art 

21 January 2024

Week 3 Day 7

Today we started decorating our roomba, Rogert (rhymes with yogurt), whose full name with titles is Sir Rogert "The Robogubbe" D'Rockacoonie, Rogue Rover of Roquefort Hall, Hero of Socialist Labor, the Lord of the Dust
Here are some design drawings we did together (mostly to explain our intentions to one another)
And here is the current progress

20 January 2024

Week 3 Day 6

 Ehhhh yeah soooo already not off to a great start for the year but you know what we will just do the best we can. Here's a very silly video I made today recreating what my brain did when I watched Chernobyl the first time:

Text description in case the video is taken down or lost:

A scene from the 5th Episode of the 2019 show Chernobyl (outside the courtroom with Shcherbina and Legasov), First shot is a wide shot of a playground type outdoor area, in the distance a man (Shcherbina) is sitting on a bench, another man (Legasov) approaches. The only sound are footsteps. Second shot we see waist down Legasov walking up toward the camera. In the third shot the camera and Legasov are closer to Shcherbina, the audio from Pacific Rim (2013) plays "How sick are you? And why didn't you tell me?" as Legasov sits down next to Scherbina

16 January 2024

Week 3 Day 2

Trying to focus in a work meeting (failing)

10 January 2024

Week 2 Day 3

 Here is the finished poster. I hope lots of people come and buy nothing

09 January 2024

Week 2 Days 1 & 2

 I have to make a poster for church so I'm using that as an excuse. Here's the words I designed yesterday:

Not very exciting and probably wrong. Here's some clipart I made today that I will add to this tomorrow:

Feel free to use these if you want!

04 January 2024

Week 1 Day 4

 I finally got on the windows side of my machine and used photoshop. Not sure if it was worth the trouble honestly. I just need to get a pressure sensitive program I can use in linux if I'm just going to doodle like this.