31 May 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day Five

no comment

Novel status: did about 750 words today, will probably write more hereafter

30 May 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day Four

ok with this out of the way, I'm going to go freak out over Game of Thrones
Novel Status: more progress! I'm so proud of myself.

29 May 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day Three

crude mockup
forbidden fields
novel status: some actual progress! and lots of nonsense words

28 May 2012

Week Twenty Two, day Two

some urban planning.
super blobby at this point. colour shows average income levels relative to each other (the lighter the richer the area)

novel status: see above (but seriously I did do some stuff)

27 May 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day One

my goodness. have a thing.
novel status: your bum.

26 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Seven

I am about to explode
novel status: not a thing happened with it today.

25 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Six

For real this time.
I imagine this is some kind of grumpy gnome guy

Novel status: same as before

Week Twenty One Day.... Five??

ugh sorry in a rush

novel status: some progress

24 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Five

I don't really know what's going on with the colours, but I like it
I don't know why this file is so huge but it's taking FOREVER to upload

novel status: I've actually made some progress on it today???? ooc I know.

23 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Four

I like drawing feet.
novel status: actual progress!!

22 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Three

gunk gunk junk

novel status: I wrote a poem for it, does that count?

21 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day Two

I am so ridiculously tired today and all I've done is read Game of Thrones so... here's some stupid doodle that sucks.

novel: what do you think?

20 May 2012

Week Twenty One, Day One

today I was/am exhausted and also tablet pressure wasn't working on photoshop (IDEK) so I drew some junk in bamboo paper

novel status: ugh I'm so bad at this

19 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Seven

glorified doodle. probably did this in like fifteen minutes. IN OTHER NEWS, I got my chabook back in the mail and it's just as beautiful as I remember!

novel status: fart noises (though I have actually written some junk today)

18 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Six

today's drawing had some severe struggles, I have a very clear image in my mind of what I want it to look like and it was just not happening. so instead I give you the background. Also the finished version of that one piece from a couple days ago
this image looks super weird because I guess it was compressed??? I hope I'm not running out of space on my... google account... or whatever
I feel like I need to have some kind of title for this piece before I put it up on all my various internet places, but the only thing I can think of is "the bloody nose of St. Rene"
 novel status: I have not worked on it today... awkward

17 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Five

Unsurprisingly, I spent most of today working on my drawing from yesterday. so I pooped this out in like five minutes and it's kind of horrible but nevermind.
yeah I don't know.
novel status: oh yes I made a bit of progress today

16 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Four

Omg I can't even tell you how madly in love with this I am, and it's not even done. I will definitely update when it is officially ready to go, though.
I'd be pretty mad too if someone punched me in the face and got my blood all over everything

novel status: slowly writing some junk as part of my 750 words

15 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Three

Why is her hair so big? Because everyone's hair is so big.
Novel status: it's still going, but only just

14 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day Two

a 100% accurate drawing of the sunburn that is murdering me today.

novel status: I've written a small amount of actual novel and instead have been working on a randomized list of insanity

13 May 2012

Week Twenty, Day One

Unintentional River Song? Yes please.
hopefully a use of  the colour red that won't murder your eyes, Indiana

Short Novel status: I have written one whole piece of dialogue today.

on an unrelated note, twenty weeks! I feel like this is some kind of milestone! but I'm probably not going to do anything to celebrate. pat myself on the sunburned back.

12 May 2012

Week Nineteen, Day Seven

this is just a bunch of random junk related to my novel that is mostly doodles/brainstorming

novel whatever: now that this is posted I'll go work on it (and by work on it what I really mean is write about three words and then watch psych on netflix)

11 May 2012

Week Nineteen, Day Six

I don't really know what's going on here, but here's a scary silhouette thing.

novel junk: still chugging along. I'm not sure why, but so far writing this novel has been borderline excruciating. I probably just need to do a wordsprint or something.

Week Nineteen, Day Five

oh no I'm late. something something pregnancy. I got distracted by pizza.
novel: yeah buddy! I've definitely been working on it!

09 May 2012

Week Nineteen, Day Four

omg I love this so much.
oh, it's these two losers again. (minus that awful hat)

novel: guess who actually worked on it today?? that's right, me.

08 May 2012

Week Nineteen, Day Three

Today I learned the only thing I hate drawing more than kissing is hats. the end.

novel status: does fanart count??

07 May 2012

Week Nineteen, Day Two

I am taking lifeguard training but we didn't really get a textbook they just printed out like a million pages and the guy was like "oh just hole punch it into a binder" but then.... I was like nope we have to chuck norris this
no comment

short what: idk I will be working on my novel a bit though maybe????

06 May 2012

Week Nineteen Day One

ugh today. All I want to do is watch psych and not think about how my life is a joke.

kay bye.

05 May 2012

Week Eighteen, Day Seven

Tonight, Arms and I met in battle once more. I lost.
but weirdly I don't really have much a problem when it comes to hands

novel whatever: IDK cool stuff will be happening probably

04 May 2012

Week Eighteen, Day Six

some eyes to glare at you
Noel status: just finished Chapter One

03 May 2012

Week Eighteen, Day Five

why is there a foot there? nobody knows.

short story whatever: well, now that finals are done, I have to say... I no longer have any excuse.

02 May 2012

Week Eighteen, Day Four

so many weeeeks

Novel whatever: oh man my last final is tomorrow so I will no longer feel guilty for working on it at that point!

01 May 2012

Week Eighteen, Day Three

I drew some faces while listening to/watching this.

short novel status: fart noise. I'm still mostly worrying about getting my stupid short story ready for my chapbook and it is taking forever and consuming my life