30 June 2012

Week Twenty Seven, Day Seven

this has some issues but I'm too tired to care
novel: whatever

Week Twenty Six, Day Six

guess who forgot her sketchbook up at camp. yes me, the answer is me. oh well. here's a thing I drew

novel: what do you think?

24 June 2012

Week Twenty Five, Day Seven

 novel: what do you think?

22 June 2012

Weeks Twenty Four and Twenty Five

This is the art that I have done over the last two weeks. also. I forgot.
our theme this week was "never never land" this was my missing poster for Tinkerbell.
precamp week (there are one or two more drawing that are... inaccessible to me at the mo)
mostly done in church on sunday
who even knows. but my campers were mad in love with my drawing skills even more than they were mad in love with my archery skills

novel: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope

09 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day Seven

last day (for now). I promise that I'll keep drawing up at camp, even if it's just an fugly doodle, and so I thought I'd try to go out with a bang or something. Here's a semi realistic painting of my eye!
narcissism at its finest

novel status: I figured some things out about my antagonist, but not that much actual writing has happened today

08 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day Six

I'm a mess today. On the plus side, I figured out how to make gradients look less horrible. so that counts for something.
novel status: fart

07 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day Five

stormy seas and other alliterative titles

novel status: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

06 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day Four

random characters.
just your friendly neighbourhood psychopath
novel status: I hit a wall? I PUSHED THROUGH IT

05 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day Three

today I made a book!

novel: today I made... a little bit of progress, more than yesterday anyway

Week Twenty Three, Day Two

today was mostly making word lists and finishing A Game of Thrones.
novel status: small amount of progress, mostly agony.

04 June 2012

Week Twenty Three, Day One

this'll probably be the last week where I can post regularly for at least then next couple months, buuuuut I promise I'll still keep drawing even while I'm in.... KAMAS.
Novel status: wordvomiting on Haley, does that count? (Haley says yes)

02 June 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day Seven

my eye is in terrible pain. but here have this thing I made

novel status: no real progress today, sorry.

01 June 2012

Week Twenty Two, Day Six

in honor of my super sore muscles, here's (part of) an archer
novel status: someprogree. Some. progress. wow.