22 July 2012

Week Twenty Nine, Day Seven

I probably won't get to post for another two weeks, so bummer, but anyway, here's a thing
nowl: wow I can't believe that's what just happened when I tried to write "novel"

20 July 2012

Week Twenty Nine

my pen died shortly after arriving at camp and thus I did not draw as much as I usually do
novel: hehe nah

14 July 2012

Week Twenty Eight, Day Seven

and I thought drawing with my left hand using a pen was hard.
novel: poooooo

Week Twenty Eight (Except Day Seven)

oh boy working in the kitchen this week! That meant I got to draw a bunch of stupid doodles for the white board that announced what we would be eating, which was awesome, but I have no evidence of this. ah well, none of them were amazing so it's all good.
oh hey it's this page again.
this week I worked a little bit on developing some ambidexterity. Quite a few of these were drawn using my left hand & to be honest, I kind of like them more than my right handed ones, too bad right now my left hand is unreliable

novel: poomp

08 July 2012

Week Twenty Seven, Day Seven

hooray picking up mums from the airport
form the mullet, form form the mullet
novel: heh nope

07 July 2012

Weeks Twenty Six Through Twenty Seven

I think. There might be some stuff from week 25 too but never you mind.

one of my campers this week saw me drawing and INSISTED I use her pencils/charcoal and I felt bad using her stuff so I only did a little thing
novel: I became a ragger this week and one of my goals is to finish all three of them before next year, does that count?