08 March 2016

Week Ten, Day One

this is all I drew today in my sketchbook

pages per day:4.35 things are not looking up :///// but at least my flour sack is getting in the done-ish zone and I finished modelling my lego! (....finally)

06 March 2016

Week Nine, Day Seven

heh heh hehhhhhhhhh. At church I've been drawing with my left hand the last few weeks because I try to give my right hand/wrist a break on sunday and this ridiculous undertale fanart happened:

pages per day: 4
I realised that because I don't draw for anything school related on sunday I can't count those days toward my overall page goal so that's why it went up quite a bit. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to get lots of sketchbook drawing done!!

04 March 2016

Week Nine, Day Four

finally actually posted on a day four lol. didn't get much chance to draw in my sketchbook today (luckily I was at least using my time wisely and working on other parts of my portfolio) but here's what I did do:

pages per day: 3.07 ahhhh gotta get on it!!! hopefully tomorrow I can get a lot of pages

02 March 2016

Week Nine, Day Three

today I've been working on SPACE VIKING stuff for my 3D lego assignment for Intro to 3D Graphics so here's a dragon

pages per day: an even 3. I really need to get on this!!!! hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to catch up. I don't have work so that will help.

Week Nine, Day Two

Ok still strugging on getting all these pages but we just gotta do the best we can ok

A photo posted by Shannon Lyman (@shymri) on

pages per day: 2.97