31 December 2019

It's that time again!!

Somehow I have managed to survive the current administration last four years since I attempted this project in 2016, woohoo! That means I am back at it again since 2020 is another leap year. Unsurprisingly I want to change things up again to suit my present artistic needs. Maybe a little background on where I'm at in my life.

I originally started this project in 2012 as a way to push myself artistically and get into a habit of daily drawing (oops still haven't accomplished that lol). Part of that was because I wanted to study animation at BYU. I managed to complete the 366 part of this project (I gave up on writing a short story a week in like February) and by the end of that year I'd been accepted to study at BYU. I went to BYU, did poorly, didn't get accepted into the program and then went on a mission. By the time 2016 had rolled around I worked my butt off, applied to and was accepted into the animation program (yay!). That year however I was totally slammed with school (first semester in the program is rough though tbh....... all of it was pretty grueling) so I had a hard time with this project and wasn't really able to complete it. In between then and now I did a lot of school (seriously... did anything happed in my life in 2017 or 2018? I guess I went to Jerusalem), graduated with my BFA, got married, and am now working in the industry!! I did an internship at Pixar this summer as a character model/rig TD and am now working at Blur as a character rigger. I honestly didn't think I would get this far in my career aspirations but I definitely think this project helped me get where I am today, even if it was just in a small way.

Since my last go at this project I have gotten really into sculpting. I think I'd like to set some kind of goal to do a monthly sculpt, preferrably taken to a level where it's retopologized and can be uploaded to sketchfab. I would like to also explore storyboarding more, since that was something I really enjoyed doing when I was in school. I think to keep with the 366 part of the project I'll try to post daily to this blog (and when I have something more finished like a sculpt or a storyboard/animatic I will share those on social media). On days I don't have progress for a longer project I will post daily drawings of something I've worked on (hopefully something more than a doodle but we'll do what we can).

In a fun twist, this year my husband has decided to also join in by doing a short story a month! I will share links to his stuff when they are available but he will primarily be posting them on his website danewhitaker.com so feel free to check it out there as well.

I'm also discovering the limits of the mobile app (such as no hyperlink capabilities????) so hopefully that doesn't interefere too much with posting throughout the year but we will see :00000