01 December 2012


so by like day 2 of NaNo I was like "I HAVE TO PUT AL MY SPARE TIME INTO NOVELING" which was sort of true, but also turned into a lot of me dinking around on tumblr and playing dumb video games. That said, I still drew stuff, I think on most days (I know I missed a few but I don't remember what days they were). So I'm going to post literally everything I've drawn in november that I can find. I'll also post later a december 1 drawing. I swear there's more, but I can't find it so I don't care the end.
...I don't know why this is so baby sized.

all of these are so great I have to post them twice

this one looked best when I printed it out. you could hardly tell I WASN'T Cary Elwes

gifs in flash. I swear I made like 500 of these this month, but this is the only one I can find!

novel: oh em gee. well, I finished the first novel within like 8 days of november, and I hit 50k on november 11th, and after that I could barely write like a thousand words per day because I'm a joke so I am about halfway through novel number 2. Good thing there's Camp NaNoWriMo in April and July next year, otherwise this trilogy will not get finished before I go on my mission.

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