01 January 2024

2024 or: Week 1, Day 1

 Ok will I be able to do this this year? Uhhh we'll see. For the last few years I have been really burned out creatively. While I have worked on some really fun stuff at work, my personal art life is pretty dead. So I'm hoping I can use this project to explore that a bit, see if I can figure out why this is happening, see if there's anything I can do to make it better, and so on and so forth. This is something I've been thinking a lot about for a while and maybe this project can help clarify some things for me. 

I'm also going to draw on the idea of "themes" as explained by CGP Grey over here and see if I can do a season of creating as my theme for this winter and go from there.

Here's my customary attempt at a self portrait for the first day, this time no mirrors because I am jetlagged and want to go to bed. Fun to give photopea a try, but I wish my pen pressure came through. I'll have to check if my photoshop install on the windows side of my computer still works.

Is this the hardest I will work on any of these? It's more likely than you think.

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