22 February 2012

Week Eight, Day Four

GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Today was a joke. I had something and it was pretty awesome and then Nigel decided to commit suicide. I did not save (if you give me crap for this, I will find you. I will find you. and I will hurt you). Anyway, I tried to recover the colour scheme and whatever else I could remember about it but eventually gave up and despaired
somehow I get the feeling I won't get any better at hitting ctrl+s despite this experience

short story status: it occured to me today as I was brushing my teeth that this creative writing class is killing me. Further, all I want to think about, as far as writing goes, is my NaNo 2012 novel/novel series that I plan on writing over the next three however many years. Moral: my life is a joke because I can't compress ideas and it stresses me out

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