26 April 2012

Week Seventeen, Day Five

My chapbook is officially two thirds done! (too bad the hardest third is still yet to be completed). Hopefully these pictures aren't too blurry, I have the shakiest hands of all time, but only when I'm trying to take a picture of something.

grody pencil lines underneath (I wish I could erase them without it being way obvious)

Short story/Novel Status: that thing you saw bound is my short story for the week, but novel is going nowhere because I pretty much spent all day today doing two things: making Macaroni and cheese (why did it take so long? why did it take so long for me to eat? nobody knows) and working on this chapbook (true story, my printer decided it was too cool for school RIGHT when I needed it most. because of course it would, so that took me ages to sort.)

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