23 April 2012

Week Seventeen, Day Two

So today I was pretty busy for some reason. I went to the brand new Museum of Natural history and drew a dinosaur there, but I wanted them to put it up on the wall and didn't have a way to take a picture of it while I was there and so I have no proof that this actually happened. However, I did a mockup of my final chapbook for creative writing that I'm going to be binding by hand (I still have like a million things to figure out with this, I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes...) to see if the thing I had in my brain would actually work in real life. I am happy to announce it does! Also that bookbinding is super fun and cool. Hopefully these pictures make sense

this one is bound "traditionally" or whatever, with a signature and a cover and it's glued to the back cover that connects the two books
This one is bound with Japanese Four Hole Stab binding. This way of binding doubles each page (hopefully you can see that in the picture) and will probably be easier for me to figure out, printing wise. also the back cover is sewn into the rest of the binding, unlike story two
our two stories as seen right next to each other
the back cover of both of these will be where I put my poem!
bonus grilled cheese from like a week ago

I will definitely do another post when I have the real versions ready to go

Novel status: I came up with some worldbuilding stuff last night, but because I've been so busy, I haven't really done much else with it.

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