29 February 2012

Week Nine, Day Four

this is all I got for today

short story status: you are a guppy

28 February 2012

Week Nine, Day Three

tender lumplings

short story status: I have to go write creatively about the colour blue tonight

27 February 2012

Week Nine, Day Two

This one was a bit rushed.

short story status: it turns out I had creative writing homework over the weekend. I am a guppy.

26 February 2012

Week Nine, Day One

I very much enjoyed making this. This is my protagonist for my NaNo this year, her name is Rene (which is confusing since it's pronounced "reen" because it's short for Cerene but I don't have a clever way of communicating that so I have to explain it in parenthesis. I guess I could just change the spelling. BUT THAT WOULD MEAN THE TERRORISTS WIN). Thusly I have titled this "The Melancholy of St. Rene"
Short Story blah blah blah: whatever

Week Eight

25 February 2012

Week Eight, Day Seven

I had a bit of fun with this one today. Originally I had more going on colour wise, but I felt like it was more distracting than anything so I got rid of most of it
short story status: I'll probably post some non-fiction junk I had to do for Creative Writing

Week Eight, Day Six

Big day today so I didn't get much done on this.

23 February 2012

22 February 2012

Week Eight, Day Four

GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Today was a joke. I had something and it was pretty awesome and then Nigel decided to commit suicide. I did not save (if you give me crap for this, I will find you. I will find you. and I will hurt you). Anyway, I tried to recover the colour scheme and whatever else I could remember about it but eventually gave up and despaired
somehow I get the feeling I won't get any better at hitting ctrl+s despite this experience

short story status: it occured to me today as I was brushing my teeth that this creative writing class is killing me. Further, all I want to think about, as far as writing goes, is my NaNo 2012 novel/novel series that I plan on writing over the next three however many years. Moral: my life is a joke because I can't compress ideas and it stresses me out

21 February 2012

Week Eight, Day Three

I need to sneeze. ok. I bit my tongue.
oddly he ended up looking a bit like a friend from high school

short story status: blah blah blah creative writing homework my life is a joke et c

20 February 2012

Week Eight, Day Two

my onesie still smells like Bacon from this morning. Anyway today was super out of control because of snowboarding and so.
fancy brushes always make things look a lot cooler than they actually are. Also I want to give a shout out to the primary colours.

short story status: what do you think.

19 February 2012

Week Eight, Day One

whipped this up super fast
you can't see the beak as well as I'd hoped

SHORT STORY STATUS: I haven't started yet and probably won't get a chance to until tuesday

18 February 2012

Week Seven

ok well here's some high quality word vomit right here

Week Seven, Day Seven

last day of week x day x lining up!

short story status: I have wordvommed some gunk and I guess I'll post that... eventually... before midnight

17 February 2012

Week Seven, Day Six

I had every intention of painting Doc Brown today but it just didn't happen. I don't know what was up. Maybe I just need a break from this kind of painting for a bit. Anyway, I slapped this together.
short story status: buzz buzz

16 February 2012

Week Seven, Day Five

Biff's stupid plaid shirt murdered me. It really just... murdered me. Butt head. Also I promise his fist looked that wonky in my reference.
Say hi to your mom for me

Short Story Status: poomp

15 February 2012

Week Seven, Day Four

Lorraine! Her hair and mouth were a killer. PS I've updated George, have a looksee
that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear.

Short Story Status: I wrote some junk last night

14 February 2012

Week Seven, Day Three

For those of you have talked to me in the even slightly recent past will know that I'm going through a big Back to the Future obsession right now. I decided to channel this in a positive manner. If five hours of my life hadn't gone to... other things, this would look a lot better but gewash
UPDATE: did a bit of work on it today, hopefully I fixed a few things
Yes. Yes. I'm George, George McFly. I'm your density. I mean... your destiny.

Short Story status: don't talk to me.

13 February 2012

Week Seven, Day Two

I can't think of anything clever to say today.
short story status: I am having to write some nonfiction crud for my creative writing class so I might count that for this weeks story

12 February 2012

Week Seven, Day One

Vulcans! And Pencil tool! And green! And this jawline was nigh on impossible but I think it turned out alright
Blue eyeshadow brought to you by Leonard Nimoy's makeup artist from the Original Series
Short Story Status: in low caps today because I did nothings

11 February 2012

Week Six, Day Seven

Today, Lindel and I made a thing today!
we got a bit lazy at the end...
bigger version

Week Six

hehe I totally didn't write a story this week here's what little I have

10 February 2012

Week Six, Day Six

today during my England in the Early Middle Ages class I couldn't focus at all (yay forgetting the book I am cool.) and instead daydreamed so hard about the things I'm going to write about in my NaNo novel this year (it doesn't help that I'm learning about all this ridiculously cool stuff in that class that I can readily steal) and so I made a map of the world for my novel. I am cool. I've actually been wanting to try making a map this way for a bit lately so I'm glad I got a chance to try it out. I may return to it later when I'm putting countries together
The large middle continent is my favourite

SHORT STORY STATUS: my life is a joke (as usual)

Week Six, Day Five

I can't think of a clever comment


08 February 2012

Week Six, Day Four

my tablet was being temperamental today and wouldn't do pressure sensitivity so I drew in bamboo paper today instead of photoshop whilst I watched Back to the Future and Indiana Jones. My life is so cool.
these watermarks are incredibly tacky

SHORT STORY STATUS: started working on it today. I would guess it's somewhere between 200 & 300 words

07 February 2012

Week Six, Day Three

today I ran and spent the whole time putting off working on this creative writing homework. Today I drew noses
SHORT STORY STATUS: *disgruntled fart noises*

06 February 2012

Week Six, Day Two

I really like the top half of this painting. The bottom half probably needs more going on, but even that part is mostly cool to me too
with some help from Indy I think I have improved the lower half a bit
SHORT STORY STATUS: I'll get back to you when I'm done reading some classmates' poems...

05 February 2012

Week Six, Day One

Today was sort of crazy. Once I got home from church (about 4ish?) I immediately went to work playing some geography games on sporcle (I'm really close to beating the countries of the world quiz) and then after that Indy and I have been reading through Hamlet over skype doing crazy accents (it's the best, you should get together with your friends and try it some time) anyway, this is what I threw together in the small in between times
super doinky


04 February 2012

Week Five, Day Seven

Today I drew Tintin! FINALLY. I've been trying and it's always looked horrible until now and I'm quite a fan. I really enjoy doing limited paletted pieces. This one was only three colours and I'm really tempted to call this piece "Tintin in Neapolitan" but I think "Tintin in Two D" is always a winner (inside jokes ahoy)
great snakes.

SHORT STORY STATUS: lol, I decided to submit it to inkpop because I don't know why.

Week Five

blah blah here it is. I decided to go with the prose poem version for so many reasons. Anyway, it's only 281 words long (according to google docs)
art status: Pretty swell.

03 February 2012

Week Five, Day Six

Today was sort of crazy on a lot of levels so I sort of threw this together.
SHORT STORY STATUS: needless to say I did not do anything with it. I might remix the flash fiction/prose poem I did for creative writing with my "official" version and use that because I'm a pretty big fan of the prose poem version

02 February 2012

Week Five, Day Five

Today, most of my afternoon was plagued with an existential crisis that mostly concerned my photoshop brushes. I'm still kind of working on reorganizing my brushes and getting rid of the ones I don't use and putting them in a good order and all that. I made this for today.

SHORT STORY BLAH BLAH BLAH: existential crisis.

01 February 2012

Week Five, Day Four

Today I drew a bunch of different poses and then Rhenedith worked her way into my fingers once more. I have an explanation for that, but I'm unwilling to give it because I'm weird like that. I guess if you wnat to ask me I'll tell you but it's honestly not that big of a secret, I'm just awkward and slightly embarrassed? Generally out of control.
tried saving this as a gif and am quite pleased with the results (PNG 8 couldn't handle the colours for unknown reasons, PNG24 is fine, but it's a really big filesize but in this instance I think GIF worked really well)

Rhenedith detail:
I don't know that Shoulders actually blush like that, but I liked the way it looked

SHORT STORY STATUS: herple derple I haven't worked on it today because I suck. I've got about 318 words at the mo'

ANNOUNCEMENT THING: I have decided to incorporate a "100 Theme Challenge" with this, read the deets here

Bestof January 2012

I figured I'd do a little follow up for the month of January and put my favourites from this  month into one convenient post!

Week One
Day Three.

Day Six part two.

Week Two
Oh, my red week. I have to admit, I loved all the pieces I did so it was hard to pick just a couple
Day One.
Day Five.
Day Seven.

Week Three
Day Two.
Day Four.

Day Five.
Week Four
Day Five.
Day Seven.
Week Five
Day Two.