08 January 2012

Week Two, Day One - revisit

Golly oh gee do I love to take old pieces of art I've done and redo them. So today I took one of my olderest characters, from maybe when I was twelve or thirteen and redid her. I first searched out one of the first drawings of her I did and had a good laugh at my own expense.
I see I still had issues with composition. Paper is a lot less forgiving than Photoshop in that sense. also had no idea how shadows worked ( still working on that......)
For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to name her "Elixabeth" and have her go by "Lix" and my twelve year old brain did not make the phonological connection between lix and licks. Anyway, I had this whole story about her but since I'm considering rewriting it for this weeks short story (another revisit?! I'm ooc) so in the words of River Song, Spoilers. The important thing to know is that I intended her to be rebellious or whatever but.... I did little to actually make her rebellious I feel like. So, in my revisit. I had her shave half her head.
may or may not have been influenced by The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which I have neither seen nor read.
SHORT STORY STATUS: currently planning on rejiggering the story for this character


  1. Oh my goodness I remember that picture! Was it of Lix? I still can't remember which story Lix was except for that it wasn't my favorite...which one was the one where the girl was bandaged and came from a game or something and her maker fell out a tower or something?

  2. I remember you hated Lix so much because you were confused by it and I refused to explain. Also all those details about 100% accurate for all intents and purposes
