25 January 2012

Week Four, Day Four

Wow, writing today's title was a struggle. Anyway, I do like this a lot, and I stole from was inspired by Impressionism today and thus we have the below painting. I do have a complaint. It feel like there needs to be something else going on in that right third and I honestly cannot figure out what. Someday if I realise that more than anything else this painting requires robots or something in the lower third, I will come back and make that happen, but for now, here we are
my favourite part is the sky. I could scrap everything else and not be bothered, but that sky is lookin' good

SHORT STORY STATUS: guess who actually did something with that today! THIS GUY. I read an article/tutorial last night about just wordvomiting in the voice you would use if you were talking to someone and thought I'd give it a try. I have about 500 or so words? I wrote them in fifteen minutes. I still need to finish week three and week two

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