02 January 2012

Week One, Day Two

gew what happened to today. I feels like it didn't happen, at least as far as today's piece goes. I had struggles starting this and so I didn't get to work on it until 6 or so tonight and then I had to go be around human beings until about 30 minutes ago. I'm not sure why I'm making excuses, but here we are. Excuses aside, I am rather happy with how this turned out, particularly the waterfall. and here we are.
 Short Story Status: I have started, but not done much. I have about two paragraphs and 76 words. woohoo!
UPDATE 5-1-11: replaced PNG 8 image with PNG 24. It helped a little


  1. you know what you should do for day three? an ancient black leather cough with dusty musty burnt umber orange shag cushions with little throw pillows made of bright red satin.

  2. you creeper. I've definitely actually started on day three, but day four for sure.........................five speedstick.
