17 January 2012

Week Three, Day Three - Inappropriate

I was pretty scandalous today and drew both a lady butt AND Indy's armpit (and we all know what's next to a girl's armpit!!!!!!!), also her toes, which for some people is inappropriate (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Below is my... slightly censored version, below that is... basically the same thing but more ~revealing~ If you don't think your delicate sensitivities, just scroll fast and think of BYU
cleverly positioned text is a lifesaver.
SHORT STORY STATUS: I am going to go wordvomit something after I wordvomit this horrible "reading response" I have to do for creative writing (I thought I had it all done, but it turns out that we were allowed to do the poetry et al from the week before... so of course that was what I did. If it's all the same though, I ended up talking about Moby Dick the whole time)
please don't view in front of children or people who faint easily
and now I go to pretend I care about poetry for a bit
UPDATE: I forgot to add Indy's drawing of the day. It's a real cracker

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