03 January 2012

Week One, Day Four - The Dusty Must Couch.

"I awoke on an ancient black leather couch with dusty musty burnt umber orange shag cushions with little throw pillows made of bright red satin." from my 2011 NaNo. Clearly the best sentence I've ever written. There's a pretty stupid story behind it too. During NaNo, my friend Indy and I went to the downtown library to look at hobos or something for one of her classes and I had to go with her because of reasons so I brought my laptop, Nigel, so I could work on my novel a bit. Anyway, I was writing a pretty ~intense~ scene and I needed her help. Thus that sentence was born. A sentence that will forever live in INFAMY.
NOTE: this is not the finished version at all, but I don't know if I'll have time to finish it tonight, so I'm going to post it here provisionally and update if I can.

the dusty musty ends up making a few appearances in my novel. Sadly, they'll probably be edited so it's just this above couch.
I got back from my thing and realised I hadn't actually published this. so. I'm cool, basically. Also I ran out of time. so here's the real "finished" project
sadly, I only had time for one throw pillow
SHORT STORY STATUS: 535 words :/

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