31 March 2012

Week Thirteen

This week for creative writing I appropriated part of my NaNo '10 for the assignment and I'm going to count it for this weeks story too

Week Twelve

Sorry I never got around to posting this sooner

Week Thirteen, Day Seven

hehe I got way distracted today sorry.

short story status: I'll post it when I'm done watching this episode of Avatar

30 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day Six

I have more Map stuff
In this map we see the different ethnic groups of Avalonia (the home continent of my protag). They are based on the four elements BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THIS STORY IS ABOUT (no promises about this not being A:TLA). For the sake of redundancy I will explain the different groups. The red and orange are fire folk, the darker blue and grey are water blokes, the green and brown are earth dudes and the light blue and light yellow are the air buddies. The white in the middle is Asthenesia (where the Protag is from!), a loosely united Heptarchy of people who can use all four elements. Also everyone in this world can use plain old boring magic. I am a believer in the old Mythbuster maxim of "if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing"
This is a map of the geneological/elemental (because these two are closely intertwined) influences on Asthenesia. Again for the sake of redundancy, from top left clockwise: Fire, Earth, Air & Water. This doesn't mean that in those regions people can only do what elemental power is geneologically present, but it does have a correlation with whatever is generally the preferred/easiest to use element
short story status: I have to tell you about my realisation that I had today (also right now I am having the worst onion garlic breath of all time). so all this junk I've been doing for my novel lately?? Well, it's going to be a trilogy (there just too much junk going on in there to fit into one book methinks, particularly since I tend to be a loquacious writer) and then I had a realisation. There is a relatively good chance that I'll be on a mission by November of 2013 WHICH MEANS that I'll write the first third of this story, go away for eighteen months and then come back to finish the other two thirds. and that scares me for a couple of reasons (namely I'm afraid I'll get back and not want to finish it because a: I think it's irredeemable b: I won't want to work on it anymore for other reasons) so I dont'really want to risk it because as usual I don't trust my future self. So right now I'm shifting my focus more to working on that (moreso than usual). I'm not sure how this will interact with my already anæmic short story-ing

29 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day Five

I drew another character from my novel I'm going to write as a follow up for yesterday's post.
that is her full name up there, she doesn't get anything as exciting as yesterdays
short story status: blah blah blah

28 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day Four

for some reason this was stressing me way out until I started working on it. I'm not sure what's up with me. This is a character for my NaNo novel that I'm going to write this november! I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to be writing for the past few months and currently I feel like it's reaching a fever pitch (I don't think it actually is though). Well I'm off to practise the guitar
full name? "Erandramenalarentalunda Pernicusius Fandrellena of St. Cendral" why? it's complicated. but also because I thought it was funny
short story status: blah blah blah creative writing

27 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day Three

a tree on a hill

short story status: sort of happening

26 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day Two - When you hit a wall...

YA PUSH THROUGH IT Today I was partying with Indy and we went all over the place including the HOBBY LOBBY!!!!! We got some clay because obviously that is a must and made little busts of Tintin and Haddock whilst watching Tintin (in 2d)
Photos by Indy

short story status: I have something that I guess I could count toward last week, but I could also count it toward this week.

25 March 2012

Week Thirteen, Day One

I feel like I should call this something like gesture drawing from the imagination. maybe I'd actually improve as an artist if I gesture drew from life :/
short story status: please don't

24 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Seven

I just spent a greater part of my day..... SITTING IN TRAFFIC!!! so... today is a bit lacklustre because I did it in............ five minutes

short story status: not happening apparently. feels bad man

23 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Six

today I actually put forth effort! The unintended side effect of that is that this piece is too complicate to be completed in a day apparently so I just have a WIP, but whatever, it's cool.
true story, while I had some struggles getting the proportions right (IDK why but she really wanted to be much shorter than I did) her legs, particularly her ankles are my fave
short story status: yeah ok I'm getting around to it

22 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Five

today was a little bit the worst but for my official drawing I doodled while skyping with Shasta. I am also going to through in some map junk I've been working on today

short story status: it'll happen.

21 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Four

one of these days I'm going to get which day in the week it is wrong. Ok so for today's I was trying to do an abstract composition study type thing like I read about here. I'm not sure I entirely succeeded, but it was interesting nonetheless, hopefully even helpful
Colours brought to you by rainbow vomit, a product of..... Shasta
short story status: eh, I have creative writing homework that I'll probably count

20 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Three

Ok, maybe you remember a long time ago I made a map? Today my tablet is out of commission because I only have three USB ports on my computer and they're all being used by other things indefinitely and so instead I worked on that! I've finished up an entire continent's political map! I also did a native Renatto Luschan Skin colour map (modelled after this guy I found on wikipedia) that I'll throw in as a bonus even though I did it a while ago. also I started on a map that's a detail of the ~most important country~ but I'll post that later when I've done stuff with it. OK POSTING ART NOW (well... cartography)
oh yeah, somewhere along the line I added another continent.
subject to change but this is what I've got for now (lol that gradient on the ocean looks so riesty.)

short story status: noooooope

19 March 2012

Week Twelve, Day Two

this cold is ruining my life right now.

short story status: go away

Week Twelve, Day One

super weaksauce posting this late especially since it's just a doodle in church. Don't even say a word.
turns out my scanner is working now so I'll scan that junk from last week soon. Anyway, I should've coloured this in and stuff but it was after midnight and so it felt disingenuous so I just cleaned it up a bit
story short status: I'm thinking of turning this series of doodles into a story

17 March 2012

Week Eleven, Day Seven

Word, so my scanner is not functioning at the moment (super lame, I'm sorry) and I have to BS a short story for this week but I do have a drawing for today! it's my new default picture for like everything (except facebook I guess). I needed something that reflects my new haircut.
the maroon lineart makes my hair look way redder than it is in real life.
Short Story status: uh, standby

13 March 2012

Week Eleven, Day Three

I partially drew a hand. Also I'm going to be out of town and away from the internet for the rest of the week but I promise I'll draw something every day and post it here when I get home.

short story status: you are dumb

12 March 2012

Week Eleven, Day Two

lotsa bones.

Short Story Status: who even knows

11 March 2012

Week Eleven, Day One

I drew a knee! thanks mostly to this website which will be super useful to me in the future
Short Story Status: nope

10 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Seven

night sky!

Week Ten

yipee! I said I was going to edit this some more, but I lied. wordcount: 2677. So respectable.

09 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Six

My face is so sunburned right now. also I have a million things today so I made this in about fifteen minutes. ok bye
short story status: oh you know

08 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Five

super not good at focusing today. GOOD THING IT'S ALMOST SPRING BREAK AW YEAH. by way of announcement, tomorrow may be sketchy because I'm going boarding then off to see Tintin (in 2d) again but I'll try my hardest to get my life together. Also, spring break I may or may not be camping the last half of that week. so.... I'm cool.

Short story status: don't you worry your pretty little head.

07 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Four

Continuing my streak of not starting before 10:30 (you know this time it wasn't my fault? The Doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow my tablet decided it was too cool for school) and I did some junk. Also I did a super awesome drawing of Uncle fester last night that I think technically doesn't count because I started it yesterday, but I did most of it today, so I'm throwing it on as well

Short story status: actually done?? crazy, I know. Thank you Creative Writing for making that happen. That said, I probably will edit it a bit more so I still don't have to post it until saturday. I am cool. Also I have yet to do a bestof for February. I might do that tommorrow.

06 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Three

I need to stop putting this off until 10:30 every night

short story status: I have to write another 2-5 pages for my creative writing. I'm counting that.

05 March 2012

Week Ten, Day Two

this got almost painful to look at. also I nearly ran out of time. Hooray starting at 22:51

short story status: nope.

04 March 2012

Week Ten, Day One

Today, an exercise in futility typography.
this is the first (and very probably last) time I can actually use the full sized picture for this
oh also I cut all my hair off too. I'm going to count that as a work of art as well...
Short Story Status: I haven't done my creative writing tonight yet but I'm probably going to count that toward this weeks story.

Week Nine

Week Nine, Day Seven

today was incredibly busy so I didn't really get to do anything. I did start this blob however
short story status: to be posted shortly

02 March 2012

Week Nine, Day Six

I watched some Seeds of Doom today so obviously I had to doodle a bit of fourth doctor for today
That episode was really stressing me out. (also have to doodle butts. obviously.)

short story status: This'll never end, this'll never end, this'll never...stop (this'll never end, this'll never end).

01 March 2012

Week Nine, Day Five

I was going to do so much more with this, but today has been a joke

short story status: go die in a hole