05 January 2016

Week One Day Two - Mumen Rider

today must have been one of those days when I learned a lot because everything was a struggle. EVERYTHING. all the art. I did a lot of drawing that had nothing to do with today's drawing and THE STURGGLE WAS URGLE.

Anyway I feel bad that I bombed this one so badly because I decided for part of One Punch Week to draw Mumen Rider (Licenseless Rider in the Manga) and I love him so much he is such a nice character and so GRATE OVER ALL.

I'm still working on getting a hang of Paint Tool Sai, I really like their little stabilizer thing because my lines are so shaky with my tablet (ugh, maybe because it is so tiny and old?). But the more I use it the more I like drawing with it more than photoshop. Well anyway I drew this garbage and then slapped some colors on in photshop, it is what it is :pppppppppppppp


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